How to begin an intergenerational oral history project

1. Decide who will participate. Is there a likely connection between older adults and youth in your community? For example, a group of older people in your church and a church youth group. OR seniors living in assisted living and the high school National Honor Society.


LifeBio 101 Autobiography Classes are Forming Now

LifeBio classes are forming across the United States and recently Canada too. We're excited to see these classes start in local retirement communities, schools, libraries, and community centers. Typically, LifeBio 101 classes are eight weeks in length, with the last week being a time for celebration.


The Great Story & Your Story: Connecting the Bible to Everyday Lives

If your small group or church is seeking an intergenerational Bible study or Bible study for older adult ministry, look no further than The Great Story and Your Story: Connecting the Bible to Everyday Lives. The authors, Dr. Richard Morgan and Beth Sanders, relate scripture to their own personal life stories and then invite the participants to do the same. This new 12-week study covers the following topics: